
Goal of this project is to implement perceptron,Dual perceptron,Linear Kernel and RBF kernel without using any Machine Learning Libraries

Primary LanguagePython


Goal of this project is to implement perceptron,Dual perceptron,Linear Kernel and RBF kernel without using any Machine Learning Libraries

Perceptron and Dual Perceptron

  1. I Implemented the perceptron algorithm and dual perceptron algorithm on PerceptronData dataset and ran ten fold cross-validation and then compared the performance of the two algorithms on the PerceptronData dataset and made sure that they have (almost) identical performance.

Kernelizing Dual Perceptron

  1. I implemented dual perceptron with the linear kernel on the Two Spiral dataset and showed that the data is not separable using ten-fold cross validation.

Radial Basis Function Kernel (RBF kernel)/ Gaussian kernel

  1. I implemented dual perceptron with RBF kernel on the Two Spiral dataset and showed that the data is separable using ten-fold cross validation.

About dataset:

• PerceptronData: This is a binary classification dataset consisting of four features and the classes are linearly separable. • Two Spirals: This dataset has two features and it is non-linearly separable