
This repository was created for people who are new to Open-source who can learn more and be an asset to the human society :octocat: This repository will help you understand the basics of Git, GitHub and hone you Machine Learning Skills!

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

HACKTOBERFEST 2020 is here! ✨

HitCount GitHub stars GitHub forks GitHub issues contributions welcome

Boston House Pricing



  • Create a Machine Learning Regression Model that can perform better on the Given Dataset

How to contribute

  • Fork the repository and clone.
  • Upload your notebook in .ipynb format inside Submissions folder.
  • The file name should be of the format: <Your_Name>_<Your_College> For example: ManasDalakoti_JIIT128.ipynb
  • Then add a Pull Request.

Important Notes

  • Use the sklearn Boston House Pricing Dataset only.
  • While doing test-train-split, use parameters test_size = 0.2 and random_state = 0.
  • Advanced Deep Learning Algorithms can also be used.

How to reach us

  • For additional information visit our Facebook page at alt text

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HURRAYYY!!! You just got closer to completing your Hacktoberfest challenge.🌱