
Doug's port of box2d to Android. Shows off CDT and Android. *NO LONGER WORKS WITH RECENT NDK VERSIONS*

Primary LanguageC++

This is Doug's port of the Box2D framework to the Android NDK. It is also a showcase of how to use the CDT with the regular Android Java plugins for native development.

To import the projects properly, you need to install the CDT into your regular Eclipse install. Galileo is highly recommended for this (and is what I use). I've only tested this on Windows but it should work on other platforms as well.

The Makefiles assume the NDK is installed under C:/Android. Change the ANDROID_NDK_BASE build macro if it is not. Also the CDT adds C:/cygwin/bin to the PATH environment variable. This can be changed in the C/C++ Build settings under Environment.

To set up your own Android project for native development, do these steps:

- Use New->Convert to C/C++ Project wizard to add CDT support to your Android project
- Copy Makefile from TestBox2D project into root directory.
- Add native, obj, and lib folders to your project
- In project properties under C/C++ General, Paths and Symbols, set native as your Source folder and obj and lib as Output folders. This keeps the Project Navigator view sane.
- Build, Run/Debug, Enjoy.

Contact me if you need any help and I'll update this README with better instructions.