
Set of components that aim to simplify the creation of fakes to unit test Windows Store applications.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Provides a set of components that aim to simplify the creation of fakes to unit test Windows Store applications.


The following are the core premises followed by fakewin8:

  1. For each interface or base class, I want to create only one class that can be used as a stub/mock in any test method. This means that all methods must be easy to setup with different logic for different unit tests.
  2. No unnecessary components should be necessary (i.e.: no portable class libraries, no linked files).
  3. Method invocations should be automatically tracked so assertions can be performed based on them.
  4. Fake class generation should be automatic. We want to focus on the tests development, not the fakes development.


fakewin8 proposes the usage of classes like FakeAction and FakeFunc, which act as normal Actions and Funcs, but keep track of the number invocations and parameters on each of them.

For example, for this interface:

public interface INavigationService
    void Navigate(string view);

    void GoBack();

The following fake class should be created (and only this class should be required):

public class FakeNavigationService : INavigationService
    public FakeAction<string> NavigateAction { get; set; }

    public FakeAction GoBackAction { get; set; }

    public void Navigate(string viewName)

    public void GoBack()

The FakeAction and FakeFunc classes (at the moment they support until up to 3 parameters) can be leveraged like this in your unit tests:

// arrange
this.fakeNavigationService.NavigateAction = FakeMethod.CreateFor<string>(view => { });

// act

// assert
Assert.AreEqual(1, this.fakeNavigationService.NavigateAction.NumberOfInvocations);
Assert.AreEqual("ViewName", this.fakeNavigationService.NavigateAction.Invocations.ElementAt(0).FirstParameter);

Additionally, given the path to an assembly and an output directory, you can automatically generate the fake classes.

FakeWin8.Generator.Console.exe <dllPath> <outputDir>

Configure Fake Methods

You can configure methods to only allow invocations that match a certain set of constraints based on its parameters. If an invocation does not match a specified constraint an InvalidInvocationException is thrown. To specify constraints for a parameter of type T, a predicate of type Func<T, bool> must be used. For example:

var fakeMethod = FakeMethod.CreateFor<int, int>(p => p).Accept(n => n == 2);

// next line throws InvalidInvocationException

If any value is valid for a particular parameter, you can express that through Any<T>.IsOK():

var fakeMethod = FakeMethod.CreateFor<string, string>(p => p).Accept(Any<string>.IsOK());

fakeMethod.Invoke("I can pass any value here and no error will be thrown.");