
A BDD/TDD framework based on xUnit .net and inspired by Gherkin.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



Our build server is kindly provided by CodeBetter and JetBrains.

YouTrack and TeamCity

Where can I get it?

xBehave.net is available as a NuGet package. For update notifications, follow @adamralph.

Continuous integration builds are available at teamcity.codebetter.com. To build manually, clone or fork this repository and see 'How to build'.

Can I help to improve it and/or fix bugs?

Absolutely! Please feel free to raise issues, fork the source code, send pull requests, etc.

No pull request is too small. Even whitespace fixes are appreciated. Before you contribute anything make sure you read CONTRIBUTING.md.

CI builds are hosted at teamcity.codebetter.com and are triggered after each commit to the default branch (including merging of pull requests).

Come and chat to fellow users and developers at the xBehave.net JabbR chat room.

What do the version numbers mean?

xBehave.net uses Semantic Versioning. The current release is 0.x which means 'initial development'. Breaking changes are being kept to a minimum, since the library is already being piloted by a number of projects, so you are encouraged to start using xBehave.net right away. Certain parts of the API may be deprecated during initial development but, wherever practical, will not be removed before version 1.0 is released.

On which giant's shoulders does it stand?

xBehave.net logo designed by Vanja Pakaski.