
Python script to download Salesforce Files (aka ContentDocument) from Tasks

Primary LanguagePython


Python script to download Salesforce Files (aka ContentDocument). It's using ProcessPoolExecutor to run downloads in parallell which makes the experience nicer if you have a large number of files.

In a very non scientific test 1614 files (3.23 GB) were downloaded in under 6 minutes.

dschibster's adjustment

My adjustments to the script that snorf made was to adjust the script specifically to query from Tasks, which is problematic because Tasks can't be the element of a "LinkedEntity IN ()" query. That's why this (admittedly hacky) solution constructs the Query in chunks of 200 records with a big concatenation of "Id1 OR Id2 OR Id3".

In a smoke test done for a customer we were able to download files from over 1000 tasks.

Getting Started

Download the script, satisfy requirements.txt and you're good to go!


simple-salesforce (https://github.com/simple-salesforce/simple-salesforce)


  1. Copy download.ini.template to download.ini and fill it out
  2. Launch the script
usage: download.py [-h] -q query [-o object] [-f filenamepattern]

Export ContentVersion (Files) from Salesforce

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q query, --query query
                        SOQL to limit the valid ContentDocumentIds. Must
                        return the Ids of parent objects.
  -o object, --object object
                        How are the ContentDocument selected, via
                        'ContentDocumentLink' (default) or directly from
  -f filenamepattern, --filenamepattern filenamepattern
                        Specify the filename pattern for the output, available
                        values are:{0} = output_directory, {1} =
                        content_document_id, {2} title, {3} file_extension,
                        Default value is: {0}{1}-{2}.{3} which will be


python download.py -q 
"SELECT Id FROM Custom_Object__c WHERE Status__c = 'Approved'"

You can also select directly from the ContentDocument Table and then you give the WHERE clause for the ContentDocument Query

python download.py -o ContentDocument 
-q "WHERE Title LIKE '1:%' AND FileExtension = 'json'  
AND Description = 'Something to filter your ContentDocuments on'"

Bug free software?

This was a small implementation for a customer that I decided to clean up and put on GitHub, I guess there are tons of bugs in here so please feel free to contact me if you find any of those.