
LazyDog is my latest dive into creating a rails template that sets things up just so...

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


LazyDog is my latest dive into creating a rails template that sets things up just so...

Getting Started:

If you want to use this template permanently, add the following to your ~/.railsrc file



Redis: if using Sidekiq, you will need Redis

gem install redis

Initial deployment

Set up credentials

** From within the root of your new application

EDITOR=vim bin/rails credentials:edit

Here is a sample of what the app will need to add for your production deployment. Once you have finished, save the document and commit the changes.

  APPNAME_WEBSITE_EMAIL_SERVER: secure.emailsrvr.com
  APPNAME_WEBSITE_EMAIL_DOMAIN: your_domain_name.com
  PRODUCTION_DB_PASSWORD: your_database_password_or_blank

Configure your deployment target(s)

Edit the config/deploy/production.rb and config/deploy/staging.rb to make sure the server is set correctly.

Congfigure your config/nginx.sample.conf file

Change the server_name to be the addresses that should be responded to. For example;

server_name appname.com appname.net  www.appname.com www.appname.net;

Set up github

The assumption is that we will use GitHub and have the git hub library installed and configured. For more information on how to do this: Hub by GitHub

** From within the root of your new application

 git create
 git add .
 git commit -m "UPDATE: Configurations for deployment."
 git push

On the Server

Create the production database for the application


Next we need to setup our postgres user (also named "deployer" but different from our linux user named "deployer") and database:

server:~$  sudo su - postgres
server:~$ createdb -O deployer my_app_name_production # change "my_app_name" to your app's name which we'll also use later on

Create the symlink for the application

server:~$  sudo ln -nfs /home/deployer/apps/APP_NAME/current/config/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/APP_NAME-puma

Setup initial deployment.

cap production deploy

cap production deploy:upload

cap production deploy