
Simple Scala SBT template. SBT + Specs2 + Mockito + Eclipse + IDEA

Primary LanguageScala

First Scala Step

This project aims to simplify creating a project from scratch.It's easier than g8 because it doesn't require any additional tools, just clone, build and run. It provides:

 Scala 2.9.2
 SBT 0.11.2
 Scalatest 1.8
 Mockito 1.9
 IntelliJ IDEA
 Scala-IDE 2.0+
 [SBT-man](https://github.com/sbt/sbt-man) - Extremely handy Scaladoc info from your shell! 


Clone and update the project name from build.sbt

git clone git://github.com/fractal/first-scala-step.git my-project
cd my-project
vi build-sbt # change name to my-project


  • sbt 0.11.2 (does not work/compile with sbt 0.10.0) or earlier.


  • Latest IDEA 11.1+ and Scala and SBT plugin. Set the FSC compiler in the project config
  • Latest Scala IDE 2.1 M1+. Works great out of the box.
  • Read sbt eclipse for more details.
  • Spec Tests require JUnit runner to run in Eclipse until a plugin is built. See Specs2 + JUnit