- adepasqualeItaly
- ajs124@helsinki-systems
- alicanadesso SE
- BencodesLyft
- cbanowskyHÅÇK ÇD
- cem2ran@lenus-ehealth
- chris-gcGame Closure
- Churro
- csbarkerAustralia
- DancgerSwitzerland
- filipeoliveiraa@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT
- Fuzion24Earth
- ghacc
- iAn-PintoKfin Technologies Limited, The Walt Disney Company, Tata Interactive Systems, Ketto, Vamaship, Techshastra and iPnova
- idkwimsouth korea
- iNarcissuss
- inrazhtetA3SR, New York University
- lbalmacedaAuth0 - @auth0
- lkorthBraintree
- LOG-TAGIndia
- marshallino16@Pictarine
- mb1689My thoughts are my own.
- MichaelEvans@square
- miekrrNot relevant
- minthanthtooMandalay,Myanmar
- mjno0on91
- moquette31
- petetandon
- polivaBarcelona
- ryan-oldacc
- Rydafromtha253
- secmobi
- wszf
- z2s8
- zckrsRadioFrance
- zinedGermany