
The data repo has data on growth of Platanthera cooperi (Orchidaceae) collected across 9 years. The data was collected on two sets of plants marked in the largest population of P. cooperi. First set of 58 plants (represented by ‘a’ in the excel file(pico_growth_met) was marked in 2014 and the marked plants were monitored from 2014 to 2022 to collect data on number of leaves, inflorescence initiation (0/1) and herbivory (0/1). Second set of 100 plants (b) was marked in 2017 and same individuals were monitored every year (2017-2022) for number of leaves, leaf length (cm) and width (cm), inflorescence initiation (0/1), inflorescence stalk length (cm) and width (cm), and herbivory (0/1).

Our questions for this project are related to the vegetative and reproductive dormancies in P. cooperi. We are interested in identifying if reproductive dormancy is affected by the vegetative fitness and whether vegetative and reproductive dormancies are affected by the reproduction effort or herbivory in previous years?