
Cozy cloud v3 as a Docker image

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


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A small(ish) image to run the latest version of the Cozy cloud (v3).


  1. Configure your DNS and reverse-proxy to point at your domain/subdomain that you're using for each instance, and each of these subdomains on that domain or subdomain. For simplicity's sake we're going to refer to the rest of this deployment as though it were being deployed under the domain example.com. With this in mind (that you'll have to replace example.com with the domain or subdomain for this instance/user), these are all the domains and subdomains you need to point at this stage.
  • example.com

  • onboarding.example.com

  • settings.example.com

  • drive.example.com

  • photos.example.com

  • home.example.com

  • store.example.com

  • collect.example.com If you use Traefik, that means you need to add the following labels to the container under the cozy heading in docker-compose.yml.

  • traefik.docker.network:

  • traefik.cozy_cloud.frontend.rule: Host:

  • traefik.cozy_cloud.port: 8080

  • traefik.cozy_cloud.protocol: http

  • traefik.enable: "true" In addition, if you install other apps, you'll need to add that app's subdomain to your reverse proxy configuration.

    For DNS, it's just a matter of adding example.com and *.example.com to to your A-Records, pointed at your reverse proxy.

  1. Generate a new long random password using alphanumeric characters, and store it somewhere safe, like in the project root and named cozy-admin-passphrase (which is in the .gitignore file), right next to cozy.yml. Encrypt it with

    passphrase=$(cat cozy-admin-passphrase) go run scripts/encrypt_pw.go

    from the project root (or an scrypt generator of your choice), and place it at (or redirect the command output to) mounts/cozy-conf/hashed-cozy-admin-passphrase.

  2. Run docker-compose up --build -d && docker-compose logs -f. This will allow allow you to view the logs without stopping everything when you exit the logs view. You'll need to watch the logs because the main application will stop after the first run because CouchDB won't be up yet. Once CouchDB is up (youll start seeing its log entries), press ctrl+C to exit the logview and run docker-compose up -d again. Your Cozy stack should be running now.

  3. Create an instance: run the following command to create a Cozy instance

    docker-compose exec -e "COZY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=`cat cozy-admin-passphrase`" cozy \
      cozy-stack instances add \
        --apps collect,contacts,drive,home,photos,settings,store,onboarding \
        --email <your email> example.com

    It's important to bear in mind here that Cozy instances are per-user: Each user requires their own subdomain and each instance will need to be created separately with this command.

  4. Install the onboarding app with the following command:

    docker-compose exec -e "COZY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=`cat cozy-admin-passphrase`" cozy \
      cozy-stack apps install \
        --domain <example.com> \
        onboarding git://github.com/cozy/cozy-onboarding-v3.git#latest
  5. The instance must now be registered. The previous command output a registration token. Navigate in your web browser to the following URL, substituting your domain and registration key at the appropriate locations: https://<example.com>/?registerToken=<your token> This will redirect you to a page where you will choose a password, and then you will be able to access your Cozy stack instance.


If you don't have access to the output of the cozy-stack instances add command, you can get the registration token from cozy-stack instances show <example.com>. The problem is, this version of the token is base-64 encoded, while we need the hex-encoding. To convert the token to the appropriate format, use the following command: echo -n "<base64 token>" | base64 -d | xxd -p