HacktoberFest2020 - Deep Learning


Hacktoberfest is an easy way for users of open source to become contributors to open source! In this repository, you would be able to contribute to Deep Learning problems!
You can use the datasets that we have provided:

  1. Sentiment Analysis on Amazon Alexa Reviews
  2. Car Price Prediction
  3. Churn Rate Prediction


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Go to https://github.com/{your_username}/hacktober2020-deep-learning/
  3. Clone this forked repository to your computer.
  4. Choose a dataset to work on, and use any suitable language like Python, R, etc.
  5. Add your code in respective folder (preferably a Jupyter Notebook).
  6. Push the code to your repository.
git add .  
git commit -m "your commit message here"  
git push
  1. Create a Pull Request to the original repository.