
APA to CSL JSON (Citation Style Language) parser

Primary LanguageJava

RefParser - APA to CSL JSON (Citation Style Language) parser

RefParser is a Java project with the main task of extracting information from APA (http://libraryguides.vu.edu.au/apa-referencing/theses) style citations. The result is a CSL object in JSON format (https://citeproc-js.readthedocs.io/en/latest/csl-json/markup.html).


The software can be used either as a library or a command line application. It can work in multiple parsing modes (defined in ParsingMode.java). Automatic tries to figure out the exact type (e.g. article, thesis) of the input.

As a command line app, it must have one argument that is a .txt file format with the APA style references one-per-line. If a line in this file starts with a hashmark (#), it is ignored. If a line starts with an exclamation mark (!), the previous lines are discarded. Empty lines are ignored too. The parsing mode is Automatic.

As a library, the RefParser class is used. It's a static class that can work in multiple ways. As a static class it holds a number of lines from the specified .txt file, loaded the following way:

RefParser.loadFile("path to file")

...or it can be used directly on a string containing an APA reference. The second argument can be omitted to set the parsing mode to Automatic. If returns a Reference object.

RefParser.parseAPA("an APA style citation of an article", ParsingMode.Article)

To get a serialized JSON string, use parseAPAtoCSL() with the same parameters (the second arg. is non-optional). Use printParsedAPA() with the same args to print the result to System.out. There's no return value in this case.

Parsing method

To parse strings, the code contains a custom recursive descent parser in Parser.java. The class Parser can be instantiated with an ArrayList<Token>. The function getReference(parsingMode) returns the parsed Reference object. All other functions are private. Each type of references (such as article, book etc.) has a parser function. Each of these parser functions work in either strict or ambiguous mode. Ambiguous mode is requred to handle cases where parts of the citation contain tokens that are also used as delimiters of these parts, thereby causing ambiguity.


Folder Description
/src The source code of the application
/target The compiled code
/tests Textfiles containing examples (both correct and incorrect) for semi-automatic testing

Files within /src/hu/sztaki/dsd/refparser

File Description
CSLAuthorStruct.java Defines CSLAuthorStruct, which is a JSON-serializable class to represent an author in a Reference object.
CSLDateStruct.java Defines CSLDateStruct, which is a JSON-serializable class to represent a date object in a Reference object.
HelperFunctions.java A static class with a bunch of helper functions.
Pair.java A simple tuple of a Pattern object and a Token.TokenType defining a token type with a regex pattern.
Parser.java Implements Parser, the essential part of this software - described above.
ParserWarnings.java Defines ParserWarnings, a static class that can be used to add (or remove) string warning messages to (or from) Reference objects.
ParsingMode.java Defines ParsingMode, an enum type.
ParsingResult.java Defines ParsingResult<T>, which encapsulates an object of type T and a boolean field with it.
Reference.java Defines Reference objects that are the output types of the parser. They can be serialized into JSON using com.google.gson. There are multiple types of references (e.g. PatentReference) that implement Reference. The class partially complies the standard described at https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema.
RefParser.java The entry point of the software. Its usage is described above.
Token.java Defines the Token class that represents a token with its TokenType type and lexeme.
Tokenizer.java Defines Tokenizer, which is a class that converts an APA reference into an ArrayList of Tokens.