
Links the LFM-1b dataset consisting of Last FM listening histories to artist gender meta data found in a local config of the MusicBrainz db.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Links the LFM-1b dataset consisting of Last FM listening histories to artist gender meta data found in a local config of the MusicBrainz db.


  • JDK 1.8
  • PSQL (PostgreSQL) 10.10
  • Docker / Docker compose

Before cloning the repo the LFM-1b and MusicBrainz dataset must be appropriatly configured.

  • LFM-1b dataset: Download the file: LFM-1b.zip and extract the zip file to a temp dir e.g. ~/temp

  • Rename LFM-1b_tracks.txt to LFM-1b_tracks.tsv

  • Run the following cmd in psql to insert data from LFM-1b_tracks into a db:
    COPY songs FROM '/path_to_file/LFM-1b_tracks.tsv' DELIMITER '\t'

  • The MusicBrainz db dumps should be downloaded. Choose the appropriate mirror and download mbdump.tar.bz2 and mbdump-derived.tar.bz2 to your chosen path.

  • Clone the mbdump repo into desired path. Then follow the instructions below to build the dump.

sudo su - postgres
createuser musicbrainz
createdb -l C -E UTF-8 -T template0 -O musicbrainz musicbrainz
psql musicbrainz -c 'CREATE EXTENSION cube;
psql musicbrainz -c 'CREATE EXTENSION earthdistance;

$MBDATA = your cloned mbdata path
$MBDUMP = your path to mbdump files

mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/CreateTables.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/statistics/CreateTables.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/caa/CreateTables.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/wikidocs/CreateTables.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/documentation/CreateTables.sql

mbslave import $MBDUMP/mbdump.tar.bz2 
mbslave import $MBDUMP/mbdump-derived.tar.bz2

mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/statistics/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/caa/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/wikidocs/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/documentation/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/CreateIndexes.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/CreateSlaveIndexes.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/statistics/CreateIndexes.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/caa/CreateIndexes.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/CreateFunctions.sql
mbslave psql -f $MBDATA/mbdata/sql/CreateViews.sql

Then check out and configure the following MusicBrainz db search tool and follow the instructions in it's README.md to start the elasticsearch API.

Running the Program

  • Change all relevent paths in DeriveGenderFromDb.java to set paths for MusicBrainz db and the LFM-1b songs table.
  • Compile and run LastFmMusicbrainzWrangler.java
  • Solutions will be output to the file part-00000.txt as tab seperated files. This will be based off LFM-1b_artists.txt and will have an additional collumn for artist gender.

Gender Classification

Gender classification is formed by considering the genders of all current and previous memebers of an artist / band defined in the MusicBrainz db. A final gender classification is output as a '/' seperated String such that gender counts are defined as follows: <br>

unknown gender count / male gender count / female gender count / other gender count / na gender count