
Retrieves snapshots, quote history, dividends, splits and modules from Yahoo Finance.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

YahooQuotesApi   Build status NuGet NuGet License: MIT Ukraine

Retrieves from Yahoo Finance: quote snapshots, historical quotes, dividends, splits, and modules

  • .NET 8.0 library
  • intellisense support for most properties
  • simple and intuitive API
  • fault-tolerant
  • tested
  • dependencies: Polly, NodaTime


PM> Install-Package YahooQuotesApi



using NodaTime;
using YahooQuotesApi;

YahooQuotes yahooQuotes = new YahooQuotesBuilder().Build();

Security? security = await yahooQuotes.GetAsync("AAPL");

if (security is null)
    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol: AAPL.");

Assert.Equal("Apple Inc.", security.LongName);
Assert.True(security.RegularMarketPrice > 0);


YahooQuotes yahooQuotes = new YahooQuotesBuilder().Build();

Dictionary<string,Security?> securities = await yahooQuotes.GetAsync(new[] { "AAPL", "BP.L", "USDJPY=X" });

Security security = securities["BP.L"] ?? throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol");

Assert.Equal("BP p.l.c.", security.LongName);
Assert.Equal("GBP", security.Currency, true);
Assert.Equal("LSE", security.Exchange);
Assert.True(security.RegularMarketPrice > 0);

snapshot with price history

YahooQuotes yahooQuotes = new YahooQuotesBuilder()
    .WithHistoryStartDate(Instant.FromUtc(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0))

Security security = await yahooQuotes.GetAsync("MSFT", Histories.PriceHistory)
    ?? throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol.");

Assert.Equal("NasdaqGS", security.FullExchangeName);

PriceTick[] priceHistory = security.PriceHistory.Value;
PriceTick tick = priceHistory[0];

Assert.Equal(new LocalDate(2020, 1, 2), tick.Date);
Assert.Equal(160.62, tick.Close);

snapshot with price history in base currency

YahooQuotes yahooQuotes = new YahooQuotesBuilder()
    .WithHistoryStartDate(Instant.FromUtc(2020, 7, 15, 0, 0))
    .WithCacheDuration(snapshotCacheDuration: Duration.FromMinutes(30), historyCacheDuration: Duration.FromHours(6))

Security security = await yahooQuotes
    .GetAsync("TSLA", Histories.PriceHistory, historyBase: "JPY=X")
        ?? throw new ArgumentException("Unknown symbol.");

Assert.Equal("Tesla, Inc.", security.ShortName);
Assert.Equal("USD", security.Currency);
Assert.Equal("America/New_York", security.ExchangeTimezoneName);
DateTimeZone exchangeTimeZone = Helpers.GetTimeZone(security.ExchangeTimezoneName);

PriceTick tick = security.PriceHistory.Value[0];
Assert.Equal(new LocalDate(2020, 7, 15), tick.Date);
Assert.Equal(103.0673, tick.Close); // in USD

Instant instant = new LocalDateTime(2020, 7, 15, 16, 0, 0)

ValueTick tickBase = security.PriceHistoryBase.Value[0];
Assert.Equal(instant, tickBase.Date);
Assert.Equal(11046, tickBase.Value, 0); // in JPY