
Type manipulation utility-belt bringing JavaScript-like development experience to PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


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Collection of chainable high-order functions to abstract and manipulate PHP types. The library extends PHP types with JavaScript and Underscore.js methods

The packages takes its name from Array Extras referring to the array methods added in ES5 (JavaScript) to abstract generic array manipulation logic


Require as a composer dependency:

composer require "dsheiko/extras"


  • Fixing PHP:
    • Naming convention: all methods are camelCase styles vs PHP built-in functions in lower_case
    • Consistent parameter order (Chain::chain($target)->method(...$options) or <Type>::method($target, ...$options))
    • Methods are chainable
    • Data structure PlainObject similar to JavaScript plain object
    • Manipulation target (value) can always be as reference as well as type literal
  • Familiar syntax: JavaScript methods, in addition methods of Underscore.js/Lodash
  • Performance: package relies on PHP native methods; no foreach where a built-in specific function can be used



Dsheiko\Extras Cheatsheet




None-reference target

use \Dsheiko\Extras\Arrays;

function numToArray(int $num): array
  return [$num];
$res = Arrays::map(range(1,3), "numToArray"); // [[1],[2],[3]]

Chaining methods

use \Dsheiko\Extras\Any;

$res = Any::chain(new \ArrayObject([1,2,3]))
    ->toArray() // value is [1,2,3]
    ->map(function($num){ return [ "num" => $num ]; })
    // value is [[ "num" => 1, ..]]
    ->reduce(function($carry, $arr){
        $carry .= $arr["num"];
        return $carry;

    }, "") // value is "123"
    ->replace("/2/", "") // value is "13"
      if (empty($value)) {
        throw new \Exception("Empty value");
      return $value;
echo $res; // "13"

Accessing methods directly

use \Dsheiko\Extras\Arrays;

class Foo
    public $bar = "BAR";

$arr = Arrays::from(new Foo); // ["bar" => "BAR"]

Plain object

use \Dsheiko\Extras\Arrays;

$po = Arrays::object(["foo" => "FOO", "bar" => ["baz" => "BAZ"]]);
echo $po->foo; // FOO
echo $po->bar->baz; // BAZ
var_dump($po->bar->entries()); // [["baz", "BAZ"]]