
Repository containing code for the Fall 2020 Final Project on expression recognition using CNN's

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This is the repository for our 2020 Final Project

Group members: Daniel Shenker, Arjun Somayazulu, Mitchell Pavlak, Cherlin Zhu


ML_Final_SVM_Details: notebook detailing training and evaluation of our baseline SVM model.

Machine_Learning_Final_DataProcessing: code detailing loading in the original data, performing pre-processing, running dlib, and creating the data splits

ApplyingToYaleData: notebook where the models are applied to the Yale faces dataset.

Final-Expression CNN with Transfer Learning: notebook using transfer learning to train a CNN on the github expression dataset. Also contains code originally used to train a CNN from scratch.

Final-Expression Multitask CNN: notebook implementing multitask learning on top of transfer learning from ResNet18 on the github expression dataset.