
Boolean lambda calculus engine, written in Rust.

Primary LanguageRust


Boolean lambda calculus engine, written in Rust using pest and clap

Provides a simple CLI, blambda, which can be used to parse a simple boolean lambda calculus specified below:

Token Type Alternatives
Value "t" or "f" (case-insensitive)
Prefix operator(s) "~ expr" (logical not)
Infix operator(s) "expr | expr" (logical or)
"expr & expr" (logical and)
"expr ? (expr : expr)" (logical ternary operator)

The AST of a set of expressions can be determined using

blambda parse -s "t | f"

# exprs:
# - op: or
#   arg1: true
#   arg2: false

Likewise, the truth values of a set of expressions can be encoded as (little-endian) bits and be returned as an unsigned integer using

blambda eval -s "(f | f | t) (t ? t : t) f"

# 6

Moreover, a blambda program can be formatted using the format comand, which will return a formatted representation of the blambda program.

blambda format -s "t ? f : t | t & f f | t"

# (t ? (f : ((t | t) & f))) (f | t)

All of these commands can be used without the -s flag to read from a filepath instead.

High-quality parse error handling

Thanks to pest, blambda is able to provide explanatory error messages whenever a parsing error is encountered, e.g.

blambda parse -s "t inv"

# BlambdaError:  --> 1:3
#   |
# 1 | t inv
#   |   ^---
#   |
#   = expected EOI, expr, or, and, condition, or branch

Evaluation halting

Of course, some blambda expressions cannot be evaluated according to the logic of the lambda calculus, even though it may be parseable. In this case, we don't take advantage of pest's fancy error reporting, so we simply throw an error when the evaluator fails to pattern-match an expression.

As an example, consider the parseable expression:

blambda parse -s "t : t : f"

# exprs:
# - op: branch
#   arg1:
#     op: branch
#     arg1: true
#     arg2: true
#   arg2: false

Although its syntax is parseable in the (somewhat loose) AST for blambda, trying to evaluate it under the evaluation rules for the boolean lambda calculus will not succeed:

blambda eval -s "t : t : f"

# Error: program could not be evaluated