Pinned Repositories
Azure RTOS NetX Duo is an advanced, industrial-grade TCP/IP network stack designed specifically for deeply embedded real-time and IoT applications
A collection of complete sample workspaces and projects for popular development boards from ST, NXP, Renesas, Microchip and Microsoft using popular IDEs and toolchains, including IAR, ARM, STM32CubeIDE, MCUXpresso, MPLAB, Visual Studio, and Visual Studio Code.
X-CUBE-AZRTOS-F4 (Azure RTOS Software Expansion for STM32Cube) provides a full integration of Microsoft Azure RTOS in the STM32Cube environment for the STM32F4 series of microcontrollers.
Zephyr Eclipse Plugin
Primary Git Repository for the Zephyr Project. Zephyr is a new generation, scalable, optimized, secure RTOS for multiple hardware architectures.
dsilva-vd's Repositories
dsilva-vd doesn’t have any repository yet.