
Combine yeoman/generator-angular and phonegap

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

grunt-angular-phonegap Build Status

Combine yeoman/generator-angular and phonegap


You can see a demo application using grunt-angular-phonegap on dsimard/grunt-angular-phonegap-example

Getting started

This plugin requires Grunt ~1.0.0

WARNING : This plugin is still in early alpha. I work on Ubuntu, other operating systems are not tested. Let me know if you need help by writing me at dsimard@azanka.ca.

First, make sure that you installed the proper SDK. Supported platforms are : Android, iOS and WindowsPhone

Globally install phonegap and yeoman/generator-angular :

npm install -g phonegap cordova generator-angular

Create your phonegap project :

phonegap create --name MyApp --id com.yourcompany.myapp myapp && cd myapp

Use the last version of phonegap by adding this line in myapp/www/config.xml :

<preference name="phonegap-version" value="3.4.0" />

Initialize an angular application with yeoman :

yo angular [myapp]

Add this project to your package.json :

npm install grunt-angular-phonegap --save-dev

Add a platform (android, ios, wp7 or wp8) :

cordova platform add [platform]

Check that everything works well :

grunt phonegap:check


[platform] supported are : android, ios, wp7 and wp8. I only test with android.

Default is always android

grunt phonegap:check[:platform]

Check if your computer is ready for PhoneGap development.

grunt phonegap:build[:platform]

Build the app locally in www.

Use --no-bower to avoid copying the bower_components directory

grunt phonegap:emulate[:platform][:emulator]

Start an emulator. If there is one already running, it will be used.

Use :emulator to specify an emulator already running.

grunt phonegap:send[:platform]

Send the project to remotely build at http://build.phonegap.com.

NOTE : Before remotely building, you have to login by executing phonegap remote login --username you@gmail.com --password YourPassword


How do I include cordova.js/phonegap.js in the application?

You simply add <script src="cordova.js"></script> and that's it. It will complain that the file is not found when you're on your local server (via grunt serve) but the script is injected when you'll build your project (grunt phonegap:build), start an emulator (grunt phonegap:emulate) or send it to build.phonegap (grunt phonegap:send). By the way, you can use <script src="phonegap.js"></script>.

Do not copy cordova.js from another directory!

The app doesn't feel native, what do you suggest?

In a business environment, I wouldn't mind that much. Clients want a mobile app for their need, they don't really care if it feels native or not. I would suggest bootstrap3

For customers, I would suggest ionic

OSX Mavericks complains about ant

$ brew update
$ brew install ant

Cordova complains about outdated Android SDK

$ android update sdk