
Export the journal's of a Last.fm user

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Last.fm journal exporter

Export the journals for a Last.fm user, in structured markdown format.


Install the package globally and it will add the lastfm-export-journals command.

npm install -g lastfm-export-journals

Call the command with the username to export and the directory to write output to:

lastfm-export-journals [username] [destination]

For example lastfm-export-journals underpangs ~/journals for the user underpangs, writing the output to ~/journals.


Output is one markdown file per journal entry, named by date + journal slug and storing metadata in frontmatter.


Contribution is welcome! Clone the repo, install it's dependencies with yarn, create a feature branch, open a Pull Request again my version.

Last.fm Journals

Journal pages were removed in the 2014 redesign, though they still exist at their old URLs (eg, last.fm/user/{username}/journal).

The pages aren't accessible by navigation, user the older page layout, and aren't part of the API anymore. It's quite possibly they may disappear entirely in the future.

Grab 'em while you can.