
Sets up local computer using mitamae

Primary LanguageVim Script

Dotfiles (mitamae)

Inspired by K0kubun's dotfiles I transitioned to using mitamae to manage my dotfiles.


git clone git@github.com:eightbitraptor.com/dotfiles-mitamae ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles 


EBR_LOG_LEVEL=debug ./install.sh

There's a Containerfile in the repo, so if you don't want to test on your local machine then you can build this using

podman build .

But bear in mind that systemd stuff won't work in a container.



Contains glue code and custom definitions that make most of this structure work together. Also configures the prelude recipes - these are OS specific recipes that should run on every machine of a particular OS. They should do basic OS specific config that is guaranteed to be needed on every machine of that type.

As a general rule, try not to add new code to the preludes.


  • senjougahara - Development Desktop, Fedora 37.
  • hitomi - Development Laptop, Microsoft Surface Pro 7 i7, Fedora 37, kernel from the linux surface project.
  • shopify-mvh - Work laptop, Macbook Pro M1 Pro, macOS


Individual recipes go here, I try and keep them as single purpose as possible, hence sway, emacs, vim etc.


Associated with recipes, convention is to put files in a subdirectory according to their recipe, so files/git/gitconfig etc.


Follow the same convention as files