
RHCSA 9 Vagrant Practise lab

RHCSA 9 Vagrant Practise lab


Vagrant lab for practising for the rhcsa 9. It was mentioned on the Red Hat Slack that RHEL9.0 is used on the latest RHCSA exam, not the 9.1 release. So the vagrant box is pinned to the older version https://join.slack.com/t/redhat-certs/shared_invite/zt-1ss7ia1sk-Hn3mMGPRaJIfKbiYP89ZoA

How to use this lab

The vagrant script will set up two RHEL9.0 VMs: anode and cathode. anode will mount the dvd iso and use this for its own repo to use. It will also run an Apache web server serving the BaseOS and AppStream repos which are used by the cathode VM.

In two separate terminals you want to execute the following commands to ssh into the boxes

vagrant ssh anode
vagrant ssh cathode

or use the following multiline command to create a tmux session:

tmux new-session -s rhcsa9vagrant -n rhcsa9vagrant \
   'tmux split-window -h "vagrant up; bash"; \
    tmux split-window -v -p 75; \
    tmux split-window -h -p 50; \
    tmux send-keys -t vagrant:0.2 "vagrant ssh anode"; \
    tmux send-keys -t vagrant:0.3 "vagrant ssh cathode"; \
    tmux select-pane -t 0'

or use the tmuxp file:

tmuxp load tmuxp/rhcsa9vagrant.yaml