
Blazor WebAssembly progressive web application using FinnHub news api

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Blazor WebAssembly progressive web application using FinnHub news api

Demo of running application: https://marketnews.gear.host


Sign up to get API key from https://finnhub.io

In Startup.cs of WasmServer.Server project, replace Configuration["FinnHub:ApiKey"] with your own API key.

public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
    Configuration = configuration;
    Helper.FinnHubApiKey = Configuration["FinnHub:ApiKey"];

Alternatively, enable user-secrets for WasmServer.Server project and add key-value pair. (This will avoid committing secret-key to git repository).

"FinnHub": {
    "ApiKey": "yourownapikey"

For deployment, you'll need to arrange how to replace api key. e.g. Use Key-vaults service if deploying to Azure.