
Ruby on Rails Tutorial: a microblogging service

Primary LanguageRuby


Codeship Status for dskecse/microblogging

Ruby on Rails Tutorial: a microblogging service


git clone git@github.com:dskecse/microblogging.git
cd microblogging/
cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
bundle install --without production
bin/rake db:setup


Since the project uses Guard to automate the running of the tests by monitoring changes in the filesystem and Spork DRb server to reduce the overhead each time a test gets run, start them both at the same time:


In common case, to run the full test suite you should type in:


Or, if you'd like to run RSpec specs and Cucumber features separately, these commands will be helpful:

bin/rspec spec/
bin/cucumber features/