CDH, Nifi, Kafka, Kudu workshop for IBM Frankfurt

Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub workshop

Components used:

  1. CDH - Cloudera Manager
  2. Nifi
  3. Kafka
  4. Kudu - Updateable record storage
  5. Impala - SQL engine
  6. HUE - Hadoop User Experience

Register for the workshop and get a cluster

Use the link http://bit.ly/34aqULW Use your corporate email, and the activation code ACTIVATE4036

After registration, a cluster for you will be provisioned on Azure. Details of your azure account will be sent to you by email in about 15 minutes.

When the cluster is provisioned, you can start the workshop using the document CDH_NiFi_Kafka_Kudu labs for IBM.pdf, also available in this repository.