UIImage Image Processing extensions using the vDSP/Accelerate framework. Fast Image Blur/Sharpen/Emboss/Matrix operations for UIImage. REQUIRES IOS 4.0 and The Accelerate framework. I was in desperate need of a fast blur operation for UIImages and the OpenGL solutions I've seen are a little complicated for my needs, these aren't quite as fast but are potentially very powerful and still quite fast relative to hand coding loops. Usage: - Ensure your project is set with a base and deployment target > 4.0 - Include the Accelerate Framework in your project - Copy the UIImage+DSP.h and UIImage+DSP.m classes into your project - In any class where you wish to use the functions import UIImage+DSP.h - Call the imageByApplying... methods, these return an auto-released UIImage. blur example: UIImage* src = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image.png"]; UIImage* blurred = [src imageByApplyingGaussianBlur3x3]; Please feel free to send any bugfixes/pull requests on if you've got something good!
IOS UIImage processing functions using the vDSP/Accellerate framework for speed.