
Mix task to create a clean architecture application in Elixir that already works, It follows our best practices!

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Elixir Structure Manager

Elixir plugin to create an elixir application based on Clean Architecture following our best practices.



mix archive.install hex elixir_structure_manager <version>


mix help | grep "mix ca."
Task Description
mix ca.new.structure Creates a new clean architecture application.
mix ca.new.model Creates a new model with empty properties
mix ca.new.usecase Creates a new usecase
mix ca.new.da Creates a new driven adapter
mix ca.new.ep Creates a new entry point
mix ca.apply.config Applies some project configuration

Task detail

mix <task> -h


mix ca.new.structure -h
Creates a new Clean architecture scaffold

    $ mix ca.new.structure [application_name]
    $ mix ca.new.structure [application_name] --metrics --distillery
    $ mix ca.new.structure [application_name] -m -d

Generate Project

The ca.new.structure task will generate a clean architecture structure in your project.

mix ca.new.structure <project-name>

mix ca.new.structure <project-name> --metrics --distillery

mix ca.new.structure <project-name> -m -d

The structure will look like this

├── config
│   ├── config.exs
│   ├── dev.exs
│   ├── prod.exs
│   └── test.exs
├── lib
│   ├── application.ex
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── app_config.ex
│   │   └── config_holder.ex
│   ├── domain
│   │   ├── behaviours
│   │   ├── model
│   │   └── use_cases
│   ├── infrastructure
│   │   ├── driven_adapters
│   │   └── entry_points
│   │       ├── api_rest.ex
│   │       └── health_check.ex
│   └── utils
│       ├── certificates_admin.ex
│       ├── custom_telemetry.ex
│       └── data_type_utils.ex
├── mix.exs
├── mix.lock
└── rel
    ├── config.exs
    ├── plugins
    └── vm.args

Generate Model

Creates a new model for the clean architecture project

mix ca.new.model <model_name>
mix ca.new.model <model_name> --behaviour
mix ca.new.model <model_name> -b

mix ca.new.model <model_name> --behaviour-name <behaviour_name>
mix ca.new.model <model name> -n <behaviour_name>

This task will generate something like that:

├── behaviours
│   └── model_behaviour.ex
└── model
    └── model.ex

Generate Use Case

Creates a new usecase for the clean architecture project

mix ca.new.usecase <name_usecase>

This task will generate something like that:

└── use_cases
    └── use_case.ex

Generate Driven Adapter

Creates a new driven adapter for the clean architecture project.

mix ca.new.da --type <driven_adapter_name>

Type param options:

  • asynceventbus
  • dynamo
  • generic
  • redis
  • repository
  • restconsumer
  • secrestsmanager
mix ca.new.da --type <driven_adapter_name> --name <my_adapter>

mix ca.new.da -t driven_adapter_name -n <my_adapter>

This task will generate something like that:

└── driven_adapters
  └── rest_consumer
      └── <name>
          ├── data
          │ ├── <name>_request.ex
          │ └── <name>_response.ex
          └── <name>_adapter.ex

Generate Entry Point

Creates a new driven adapter for the clean architecture project

mix ca.new.ep --type <entry_point_name>

Type param options:

  • asynceventhandler
mix ca.new.ep --type <entry_point_name> --name <my_entry_point>

mix ca.new.ep -t entry_point_name -n <my_entry_point>

This task will generate something like that:

└── entry_points
    └── async_messages
        └── async_message_handlers.ex

Apply a Project Configuration

Applies a configuration for the clean architecture project

 mix ca.apply.config -t <config_type>

Type param options:

  • metrics
  • distillery
  • sonar


This configuration type will instrument the application and their supporter adapters and entry points When the project is instrumented by passing the flag -m or by running this task every new adapter will be generated with instrumentation by default if supported.

The curren status of instrumentation

Adapter Metrics Traces
api_rest (default)
x aws (any request)


Creates distillery configuration for the clean architecture project.

It generates the next project files:

├── plugins
|   └── .gitignore
└── config.exs

It also injects the rel/config.exs file with the next config_providers for prod env

set config_providers: [{Distillery.Releases.Config.Providers.Elixir, ["${RELEASE_ROOT_DIR}/etc/config.exs"]}] # Use config file at runtime


If you are using sonar, you can autogenerate the configuration files, these files will help you to:

  • generate sobelow report through mix sobelow -f json --out sobelow.json
  • generate test execution for sonarqube through mix coveralls.xml
  • generate credo report for sonarqube through mix credo --sonarqube-base-folder ./ --sonarqube-file credo_sonarqube.json


Get version

mix archive
mix archive.uninstall elixir_structure_manager-<version>

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