
Introduction to Javascript

Learning Javascript - WIP

How to use this resource

If you are completely new to computer programming start with the introduction and continue reading through the core concepts. Take you time and reread sections you do not understand. The best way to learn Javascript is to try it for yourself so follow along with the examples to the best of your ability. If you have programmed in another language before deciding to learn Javascript, feel free to skim the introduction and core section before focusing on the advanced section. If you have experience with Javascript before, go directly to the advanced section. This book can also be used as a reference as it contains many helpful internal and external resources for the seasoned Javascript developer.



  1. Introduction to Javascript

Core Concepts - Learning Programming

  1. Variables
  3. Operators
  4. Conditionals
  5. Loops
  6. Functions
  7. Events

Core Examples

The core examples are meant as a continuation of the concepts you learned in the core concepts section. To further your understanding it is best to run and modify these examples yourself instead of only reading.

Advanced - JavaScript Specific

  1. Document Object Model
  2. HTML5 API's
  3. Object Oriented Programming with Javascript
  4. Functional Programming with Javascript
  5. Node JS
  6. ECMA2015 (ES6)
  7. Asynchronous Javascript
  8. Build Tools
  9. Transpiling and Polyfill
  10. Application Development
  11. Game Development with Javascript