Darley Paint


Author: Darya Leylian

Github: https://github.com/dsleylian

How to Use

Darley Paint is an app based on the classic Microsoft Paint. You can pick a brush thickness, transparency, and color, and paint what you'd like on the canvas. You have 3 eraser thicknesses to choose from if you need to fix something, as well as a reset button to start with a fresh canvas.

Darley Paint Screenshot


This web app was made using:

  • React
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS

Install Instructions

first install all dependencies with

npm install

Then, to run locally:

npm start

Mintbean Hackathon

This app was build for the Mintbean Hackathon. Here is the propmt:

Build an app that lets people express their creativity in a visual format. You can build ANY application you'd like. Whether it's a blank canvas that you can paint on, a photo-editing app, a shared white board -- as long as it fulfills one OR both of the following requirements:

  • As a user, I can drag my mouse across the screen to make free-form lines.
  • As a user, I can click areas of the screen with my mouse to fill them with a color, texture or pattern.