Laravel Framework 5.1 Bootstrap 3 Starter Site
Demo is here
Starter Site based on on Laravel 5.1 and Boostrap 3
- Features
- Requirements
- How to install
- Application Structure
- Troubleshooting
- License
- Additional information
- How Starter site is look like
Starter Site Features:
- Laravel 5.1.x
- Twitter Bootstrap 3.x
- Back-end
- Automatic install and setup website.
- User management.
- Manage languages.
- Manage photos and photo albums.
- Manage article and article categories.
- DataTables dynamic table sorting and filtering.
- Colorbox jQuery modal popup.
- Add Summernote WYSIWYG in textareas.
- Front-end
- User login, registration
- View Photos,Articles, Languages and Users
- soon will be more...
- Packages included:
- Datatables Bundle
PHP >= 5.5.9
OpenSSL PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
SQL server(for example MySQL)
Node JS
- Step 1: Get the code
- Step 2: Use Composer to install dependencies
- Step 3: Create database
- Step 4: Install
- Step 5: Start Page
Step 1: Get the code - Download the repository
Extract it in www(or htdocs if you using XAMPP) folder and put it for example in laravel5startersite folder.
Step 2: Use Composer to install dependencies
Laravel utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. First, download a copy of the composer.phar. Once you have the PHAR archive, you can either keep it in your local project directory or move to usr/local/bin to use it globally on your system. On Windows, you can use the Composer Windows installer.
Then run:
composer install
to install dependencies Laravel and other packages.
Step 3: Create database
If you finished first three steps, now you can create database on your database server(MySQL). You must create database with utf-8 collation(uft8_general_ci), to install and application work perfectly. After that, copy .env.example and rename it as .env and put connection and change default database connection name, only database connection, put name database, database username and password.
Step 4: Install
Firstable need to uncomment this line "extension=php_fileinfo.dll" in file.
This project makes use of Bower and Laravel Elixir. Before triggering Elixir, you must first ensure that Node.js (included in homestead) is installed on your machine.
node -v
Install dependencies listed in package.json with:
npm install
Retrieve frontend dependencies with Bower, compile SASS, and move frontend files into place:
Now that you have the environment configured, you need to create a database configuration for it. For create database tables use this command:
php artisan migrate
And to initial populate database use this:
php artisan db:seed
If you install on your localhost in folder laravel5startersite, you can type on web browser:
Step 5: Start Page
You can now login to admin part of Laravel Framework 5 Bootstrap 3 Starter Site:
password: admin
OR user
password: user
RuntimeException : No supported encrypter found. The cipher and / or key length are invalid.
php artisan key:generate
Site loading very slow
composer dump-autoload --optimize
php artisan dump-autoload
This is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license
Additional information
Inspired by and based on andrew13's Laravel-4-Bootstrap-Starter-Site