We Love SVG is like Google Fonts but for icons. It makes it quick and easy to insert icons into web pages. It contains 9,769 icons from 30 popular icon packs.
Technology: Webicon
Webicon is a quick and lightweight way of embedding icons into HTML page
- Embedding in less than a minute
- Only the icons you need are loaded
- No uploading, re-generating, or any other overhead
- Prevents your left socks from disappearing in your washing machine
Technology: SVG Sets
SVG sets were created with svg-caster. It allows to convert SVG fonts into SVG sets. We think SVG sets are better than iconic webfonts, separate SVG or PNG sprites. Here's why.
##Icon Packs Included
- FontAwesome
- Icons8 Windows 10 Icons
- Icons8 Color Icons
- Foundation
- Google Material Icons
- Glyphicons
- Icomoon
- Ionicons
- WebHostingHub Glyphs
- Entypo
- Elusive
- Icons8 WPF UI Framework
- Mfglabs
- Raphael
- Simple Line
- Weather
- Ligature Symbols
- Linecons
- Meteocons
- Metrize
- Octicons
- Iconic
- Maki
- OpenWeb Icons
- Stroke 7 Icon Font Set
- Typicons
- Zocial
- Brandico
- Fontelico
- Stateface
- Twitter: @Icons_8
- Facebook: facebook.com/Icons8
- Google+: +Icons8
- Web: icons8.com
Questions or Ideas?
If you have any questions or ideas about icons, please feel free to contact us any way you'd prefer
- create an issue on github
- ask on the buzz.icons8.com
- tweet us @Icons_8
- drop a comment on icons8.com