
Meteor Atmosphere package for smooth and quick integration of a real-time collaborative form using React

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Meteor Atmosphere package for smooth and quick integration of a real-time collaborative form using React

Table of contents


  • Requires React 15.4.0+.
  • Requires "react-jsonschema-form" npm package.

Note: The "master" branch of the repository reflects the published stable release.

$ meteor add danongba:collab-meteor

Note: It is recommended to use Bootstrap with this package for better rendering of the form.

Server initialization

In order to use the collaborative functionalities, you will need to start a new CollabMeteor server instance. One way to do it is on startup:

import { CollabMeteor } from 'meteor/danongba:collab-meteor';

Meteor.startup(() => {

You can also stop the server by calling:



For a basic implementation, see the example Meteor app.

Simple Collaborative Editor

To implement a simple collaborative editor (textarea), start by instantiating a new CollabModel on the server, taking as parameter the name of the collaborative collection:

import { CollabModel } from 'meteor/danongba:collab-meteor';

const model = new CollabModel("documents");

Server API

  • create(id, data = ""): Creates a new document with id and with initial data (String).
  • remove(id): Deletes a document with ID id.

Client API

Just call CollabEditor from the client

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { CollabEditor } from 'meteor/danongba:collab-meteor';

), document.getElementById("app"));

Props of CollabEditor:

  • id: ID of the document to fetch from the database
  • collectionName: Name of the collection
  • rows: "rows" attribute of the textarea
  • classNames: default is form-control
  • onChange: Function called on every modification. Returns the current value of the editor.

Collaborative Form

Note: The collaborative form is based on react-jsonschema-form

To implement a collaborative form, start by instantiating a new CollabFormModel on the server, taking as parameter the name of the collection and a schema:

import { CollabModel } from 'meteor/danongba:collab-meteor';

const model = new CollabModel("forms");
const schema = {
      title: "My collaborative form",
      type: "object",
      required: ["input", "textarea"],
      properties: {
        input: {type: "string", title: "Input"},
        textarea: {type: "string", title: "Textarea", default: 'Default text'},
model.createForm("myForm", schema);

This will create a new collaborative document on the database containing the collaborative data of the form.

Server API

  • create(id, schema = {}): Creates a new document with id and with initial data corresponding to the schema.
  • remove(id): Deletes a form with ID id.

Client API

Just call CollabForm from the client. Every String in the schema will be collaborative by default.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { CollabForm } from 'meteor/danongba:collab-meteor';

), document.getElementById("app"));

Note: CollabForm can be used exactly like Form from react-jsonschema-form with few exceptions (see below).

Props of CollabForm that vary from react-jsonschema-form:

  • id: ID of the form to fetch from the database
  • collectionName: Name of the collection

The supported collaborative types are text and textarea. They can be defined in the uiSchema like:

const uiSchema = {textarea: {"ui:widget": "textarea"} }

), document.getElementById("app"));

Note: text is the default String type.

Note: Do not pass formData to CollabForm, the data will be fetched from the collaboratively shared data in the database.

Example app

An example app is present in this directory, feel free look at it for a real implementation of collab-meteor.
