The DevOps portifolio

This is a portifolio that I created to show my skills in DevOps. Because most of my work is private, I decided to create this portifolio to show my skills.


This portifolio is divided in two parts: projects and technologies. In the projects section, I show some projects that I created to learn and practice some technologies. In the technologies section, I show some technologies that I used in my projects.

Table of Contents


Here is a simple description of the projects, U can find more information in the of each project.

The startup project

This project is a simple project to emulate a startup. The is theoretical company has a two kubernetes cluster, one to host the "DevOps" Tooling and the other one to host the applications. The project is divided in two parts: the first one is the "DevOps" Tooling and the second one is the applications.

The entire project is created using Terraform. You can check the code in the startup project folder.