
Neural network to classify bird calls

Primary LanguageC#


This Repository is for testing out neural networks to classify bird calls.


Note: We installed the FannCSharp wrapper in order to use C# and Visual Studio for this neural network

This example shows the neural network's training results when the learning momentum value is varied on the same set of training data and test data.

Steps to run example:

  1. Clone repository
  2. Open Project/Solution and navigate to the .sln file
  3. In order to run successfully, you must right-click the FANNBirdAnalysis in the Solution Explorer and select the option "Set as StartUp Project" (option in the dropdown has a gear next to it)
  4. Run that shit


Note: We installed the encog-dotnet-core package from Nuget in order to use it with Visual studio

This example shows a neural netowork being trained to fit the XOR operation.

Steps to run example:

  1. Clone repository
  2. Open Project/Solution and navigate to the .sln file
  3. Run that shit