
Experiments with Sitecore running on RavenDB and MongoDB

Primary LanguageC#


Experiments with Sitecore running on RavenDB and MongoDB. Primary goals:

  • Universal DataProvider wrapper for simplifying writing data providers for Sitecore.
  • Read only data provider for serialized Sitecore items, intented for quick Sitecore prototyping and testing (or think TDS).
  • Fully production ready data providers, including support for event queue, history, blob storage, the full monty!
  • "Event Sourcing" stylede data providers (basically all CRUD operations is only inserts which enables some interesting data replication benefits).


See /doc/Measurements.xlsx for current performance data.


Inspiration for the MongoDB implementation came from this blog post: (http://hermanussen.eu/sitecore/wordpress/2012/05/making-sitecore-faster-with-mongodb/), big thanks to Robin Hermanussen for getting me inspired to trying out MongoDB!

This is tested with Sitecore 6.4.1 rev. 110324 and Sitecore 6.5.0 rev. 120427.


  • Create fresh install of Sitecore.
  • Clone SitecoreData project.
  • Place Sitecore.Kernel.dll in \lib\Sitecore\
  • Copy ConnectionStrings.config from Sitecore install to SitecoreData\Website project.
  • Add connection string entries for MongoDB databases:
<add name="nosqlmongoweb" connectionString="mongodb://localhost:27017/web" />
<add name="nosqlmongomaster" connectionString="mongodb://localhost:27017/master" />
<add name="nosqlmongocore" connectionString="mongodb://localhost:27017/core" />
<add name="nosqlmongotest" connectionString="mongodb://localhost:27017/test" />
  • Install Mongo, launch mongod.exe (this must be done after each server restart, or the mongo service must be configured.
  • Copy default_deploycommand.xml to deploycommand.xml, and change path to point to Sitecore instance website folder.
  • Deploy (Use build configuration "Debug with Publish" and a deploycommand.xml pointing to above IIS website)
  • Run /Transfer.aspx, copying web to nosqlmongoweb, and so forth for core and master.
  • Recycle app pool. Mongo databases are now available in desktop DB chooser.


Please do :)