
Steeltoe Initializr - .NET Microservices Templates

Primary LanguageC#

Steeltoe Initializr

Branch Build Status
master image
dev image


Steeltoe Initializr start.steeltoe.io provides an extensible API to generate quickstart projects. It provides a simple web UI to configure the project to generate and endpoints that you can use via plain HTTP.

Steeltoe Initializr also exposes an endpoint that serves its metadata in a well-known format to allow third-party clients to provide the necessary assistance.

How to Use


The Web UI allows you to quickly generate a CSharp project with your choice of dependencies



To get help:

curl https://start.steeltoe.io/

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+ Title                                  + Description                                                                                        +
+ Actuators                              + Add management endpoints for your application                                                      +
+ Circuit Breakers                       + Add Circuit Breakers                                                                               +
+ Cloud Foundry                          + Target CloudFoundry Hosting                                                                        +
+ Discovery                              + Add Discovery Client                                                                               +
+ DynamicLogger                          + Add Dynamic Logger                                                                                 +

To generate projects:

curl https://start.steeltoe.io/starter.zip -d dependencies=actuators,cloudfoundry -o myProject.zip


curl https://start.steeltoe.io/starter.zip -d dependencies=actuators,cloudfoundry -d templateShortName=Steeltoe-React -d projectName=MyCompany.MySample -o myProject.zip

To get a list of dependencies:

curl https://start.steeltoe.io/api/templates/dependencies

To get a list of valid templates:

curl https://start.steeltoe.io/api/templates/templates

Dotnet templates

Install the Steeloe Templates

dotnet new -i steeltoe.templates::2.2.1 --nuget-source https://www.myget.org/F/steeltoedev/api/v3/index.json

Generate project

dotnet new Steeltoe-WebApi --Actuators --CloudFoundry

Build and Run

Clone and cd into repo and :

    dotnet test
    cd src
    dotnet run

Add a Library

Would you like have a library added to start.steeltoe.io? Please read and follow the third party library contribution guidelines. If the project fulfills the requirements, please create a new issue on this project and our team will help get you started.