
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Email Sender and Receiver with terminal and web interface

Sends receives emails from a postfix server (either local or any public imap and smtp servers that allow ssl access). The project consists of docker file running postfix server for testing purposes and codebase for recieving&sending emails with attachements.

github repo https://github.com/dsoselia/PythonEmailer

Important classes and functions

file attachement.py

attachment.py.send_mail() - receives

sender, reciever, subject, text - strings

Files - list of filesnames to be attached with the email

file emailparserpy3.py


emailparser (modified from hermag/PythonEmailer)

Constructor recieves

self, imap_host,, user, pswd as strings

Imap_port - as int;

get_all_emails_by_recipient_name(self, recipients_email, email_folder_name='inbox')

get_last_email_by_recipient_name(self, recipients_email, email_folder_name='inbox')


runs basic steps


contains flask server for web application


flask server

Demo Setup

Send email : postfix server port 25

Access email: postfix server port 993