
A collection of Mono for Android sample projects.

Primary LanguageC#

MonoDroid Samples

MonoDroid samples, showing use of Android API wrappers from C#.


The following samples are provided:

  • ApiDemo: Shows how to use various Android APIs.

  • Button: A full-screen button with click counter, demonstrates use of C# events to handle UI events.

  • ContactManager: Shows how to access contacts stored on an Android device.

  • GLCube: A simple colored cube that keeps rotating about its center, rendered via OpenGLES and OpenTK, via AndroidGameView.

  • GLTriangle20: Renders a simple triangle using OpenGLES 2.0 shaders.

  • HelloWorld: A port of the simple Android Hello World application. Also demonstrates use of resources.

  • HoneycombGallery: Shows how to use some of the tablet APIs introduced in Android 3.0 (Honeycomb).

  • JeyBoy: Shows how to create an advanced music game.

  • JniDemo: Shows how to create manual bindings to Java libraries so they can be consumed by Mono for Android applications.

  • LabelledSections: Shows how to create a list with section labels.

  • LiveWallpaperDemo: Shows how to create a live wallpaper.

  • MapsDemo: Shows how to use the GoogleMaps bindings.

  • MultiResolution: Demonstrates embedded resources and UI integration.

  • SimpleWidget: Shows how to create an Android desktop widget.

  • SkeletonApp: Demonstrates text editing and keyboard support.

  • Snake: Shows how to create a simple Snake game.

  • TexturedCube: OpenGLES and OpenTK demonstration. Drag the cube around to see it rotate.


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