
Repo for Udacity Programming Foundations with Python - Movie Trailer Website

Primary LanguagePython


  1. To run download python from https://www.python.org/downloads/
  2. From Terminal or similar run: local$ python home.py

I run this program with Sublime Text 3, in order to do so go through the following (from https://realpython.com/blog/python/setting-up-sublime-text-3-for-full-stack-python-development/)

  1. Install the subl command line tool
  2. Install Sublime Package Control
  3. Create a Custom Settings File
  4. Install Anaconda (https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Anaconda)
  5. Install one of many Pep8 plugins for Style Guide for Python Code validation. My choice was Python PEP8 Autoformat (https://bitbucket.org/StephaneBunel/pythonpep8autoformat)