
Simulation of the game of Nim to illustrate CUDA kernel usage on multiple GPUs/streams.

Primary LanguageCuda


Simulation of the game of Nim using CUDA

Game Description

The game of Nim is a mathematical strategy game where 2 players take turns removing sticks from a single pile, with the goal of forcing the opponent to take the last item. The player who takes the last stick is the winner. The other player is the loser.

Technical Notes and Considerations

Each player randomly picks a number of sticks from the pile.

The code is meant to illustrate a basic knowledge of CUDA coding by creating 2 player kernels that randomly pick up sticks on a multi GPU system by interrogating the API to determine how many GPUs are present. If only 1 GPU is present the implementation fallback uses CUDA streams per player. The number of sticks in the pile is between 10 and 100.

How to build and run from Makefile

cd nimCUDA

or to manually build and run

nvcc --std c++17 nim.cu -o nim.exe