Some utility codes for testing frame interpolation

Install the required packages

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Demo codes for how to use innocompute_examples_frame_interp.exe on windows

  • Make sure you have binary built on windows
  • python demo_*.py -h to know the usage
  • To read two images and produce the interpolated one, please use below for example: python3 --input_1 ..\..\000000.png --input_2 ..\..\000001.png --bin_file ..\..\innocompute_examples_frame_interp.exe --out res.png

FFmpeg cheat sheet

  • Generate the video from the images cat Genshin_1600x900_fsr2on_uioff_60fps_map_wild_2023-10-04_11-30-30_view_report/*.png | ffmpeg -framerate 60 -f image2pipe -i - -c:v libx264 -r 60 -pix_fmt yuv420p blend_output.mp4

CUDA version of PSNR

In case PSNR computation is too slow but now python PSNR looks OK for me.