
A Dockerfile for McMyAdmin with the Dynmap extension.



This is an extension of the McMyAdmin Docker image by jchaney, so most credit goes to him. Its main target is to allow the use of the McMyAdmin Dynmap extension by isitgeorge inside of the container. The changes are:

  • Dynmap extension is installed and activated and port 8123 is exposed
  • The initial password is set only once at build time so that it is not reset on every restart
  • libgdiplus is installed to fix banner image generation and prevent exceptions

NOTE: The actual Dynmap server plugin has to be installed and configured manually! This can happen via the McMyAdmin web interface or by mounting the plugins directory. This image only comes with the McMyAdmin extension.


Most configuration (like setting the server address or how much RAM Java should use) can be done via the McMyAdmin.conf file. You can mount it like this:

docker run -d --name mcmyadmin -p 8080:8080 -p 25565:25565 -p 8123:8123 -v "$PWD/McMyAdmin.conf:/home/minecraft/mcmyadmin/McMyAdmin.conf" dspeckmann/mcmyadmin-dynmap

To start out, you can get the current McMyAdmin.conf from the container like this:

docker exec mcmyadmin cat /home/minecraft/mcmyadmin/McMyAdmin.conf > McMyAdmin.conf

If you are running this image on a public server and not just your own computer, which is likely, you also have to configure the Dynmap extension to use the actual path to your server. The relevant line can be found inside /home/minecraft/mcmyadmin/Modern/Extensions/Dynmap/Config.js, which can be mounted similar to McMyAdmin.conf.


docker run -d --name mcmyadmin -p 8080:8080 -p 25565:25565 -p 8123:8123 dspeckmann/mcmyadmin-dynmap

The initial password is pass123 and you will be prompted to change it the first time you log in.