This project contains stuff, which can be useful to program an Adruino MEGA with glider applications. Why Arduino? Because it offers high level uC programming in C++ and has lots of libs already available. Why Arduino Mega? Because I still had one in my bottom drawer. Project aim: Connect different sensors to the Arduino and do in flight measurement and data processing in a glider. The measured data will be stored on a microSD card shield. Sensors: - Temperature und Humidity sensor (HYT)$FILE/EN_HYT271_201109.pdf This sensor is connected to the Arduino via I2C (SDA=Pin 20, SCL=Pin21). It is powered with +5V by the Arduino (PWR=5V, GND=GND). - Flarm Flarm outputs NMEA signals. These signals are based on a 12V TTL signal, which has to be shifted to 5V TTL signal. I am using following level shifter to convert the signal for Arduino input. The level shifter can be powered by the Flarm +3V line. See chapter 8 of the Flarm installation manual ( for details about the Flarm wiring and which wires provide TX/RX signals. The shifted Flarm signal is by the Arduino via UART on TX1/Pin 18 and RX1/Pin19 Flarm sends following NMEA sentences: PFLAU, GPRMC, GPGGA and PGRMZ Further details about these statements can be found under: - Pressure sensors I ordered two barometric pressure sensors ( Still waiting to get them. I plan to make dynamic and static pressure available to the Arduino with these breakouts via I2C. - SD card shield I am using an SD card shield ( to store measured information in a file on a SD card. Unfortunately, the SPI communication wires to the SD card shield have to be rerouted to work with the Arduino Mega board: On the shield cut pins 10-13 off. Then establish following wiring: SD shield --> Arduino Pin 10 --> 53 11 --> 51 12 --> 50 13 --> 52 Reason for this is, that the SPI communication pins are in different locations on different Arduino boards. Data processing: All data is processed and written to a terminal (serial) and on the SD card. The data is stores in a file called DATALOG.TXT. Here is one example line of the file: Time UTC, Lat., Long., GPS Alt in m, Pressure alt in ft., rel. humidity, Temp in C 175828 48.742138 11.445361 364 1192 65.36 22.29 The file is automatically appended with new entries. Based on this data I want to do some statistical analysis about temperature and humidity distributions within thermals. Unless otherwise stated I license all information contained in this project under the GPLv3 ( The NMEA lib has a different flavor of license.