Generate YARA rules from YAML source and Jinja templates.
This is a PoC to explore how to add some convenience through a sort of detection-as-code approach to YARA rules.
Attributes related to rules are expressed as fields in YAML objects, making them able to be read and manipulated in a machine-readable manner while preserving much of the human readable elements of text-based rules. Jinja templating supplies some convenience elements such as abstraction and injection into the rules for features like macros.
This prototype is designed to be operated from the checkout. From the top level directory:
Create a Python virtual environment.
python3 -m venv env
Install the yara-yaml package and dependencies in the virtualenv.
./env/bin/pip install .
Use the command line tool to interface with the system.
./env/bin/yara-yaml --help
Pretty basic at this time. Sample content is present to demonstrate:
- Rule content lives in
. - Rule templates live in
. - Vars (setting variables and macros) live in
The most basic usage:
./env/bin/yara-yaml rules/network/malicious-traffic-distribution.yml
This should emit a YARA rule with all metadata and conditions taken directly from the YAML rule source. The condition uses a macro to supply content matched against an extrnal variable, and because the macro currently has a single value, no transformation is applied to format it into a more complex regular expression.
A more complex case, consisting of a strings section and a much more complex macro application:
./env/bin/yara-yaml rules/file-characteristics.yml