
metameta: An R package for the straightforward calculation and visualization of study-level statistical power in meta-analyses for a range of hypothetical effect sizes

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metameta: A Meta-meta-analysis Package for R


The metameta package facilitates the calculation and visualization of study-level statistical power in meta-analyses for a range of hypothetical effect sizes. The package can be used to re-analyze published meta-analyses using information typically presented in meta-analysis forest plots or when reporting novel meta-analyses.

For a full guide and/or an object to cite, see this manuscript: https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/js79t. Full citation details are available below.


Install the package


Calculate power for studies included in a published meta-analysis.

The mapower_se function can calculate power for a range of “true” effect sizes: The reported summary effect size estimate and a range of effects from 0.1 to 1 (in increments of 0.1). Here, we’re only showing the first 6 columns for the purposes of illustration, although the function calculates power for 11 true effect sizes in total. We’re also making our calculations based on reported effect sizes and standard errors

power_ooi <- mapower_se(dat = dat_ooi, observed_es = 0.178, name = "ooi et al 2017")
power_ooi_dat <- power_ooi$dat
power_ooi_dat <- power_ooi_dat %>% select(1:6) # Select first 6 columns
#>             study     yi   sei power_es_observed power_es01 power_es02
#> 1 anagnostou_2012  1.187 0.479        0.06596450 0.05500761 0.07020009
#> 2     andari_2010  0.155 0.380        0.07549262 0.05797045 0.08229066
#> 3      dadds_2014 -0.230 0.319        0.08636394 0.06133177 0.09610698
#> 4      domes_2013 -0.185 0.368        0.07720550 0.05850133 0.08446626
#> 5      domes_2014  0.824 0.383        0.07508974 0.05784552 0.08177903
#> 6     gordon_2013 -0.182 0.336        0.08272160 0.06020765 0.09147592
#> 7  guastella_2010  0.235 0.346        0.08082964 0.05962295 0.08907113
#> 8 guastella_2015b  0.069 0.279        0.09777789 0.06484272 0.11062850
#> 9   watanabe_2014  0.245 0.222        0.12627341 0.07355100 0.14689796

We can also perform the same analysis using effect size and confidence interval data, using the mapower_ul function. As before, only a small selection of columns are printed for the purposes of demonstration.

power_keech <- mapower_ul(dat = dat_keech, observed_es = 0.08, name = "Keech et al 2017")
power_keech_dat <- power_keech$dat
power_keech_dat <- power_keech_dat %>% select(1:6) # Select first 6 columns
#>                  study    yi lower upper       sei power_es_observed
#> 1      anagnostou_2012  0.79 -0.12  1.71 0.4668367        0.05337078
#> 2       brambilla_2016  0.15 -0.22  0.52 0.1887755        0.07081577
#> 3           davis_2013  0.11 -0.68  0.90 0.4030612        0.05452497
#> 4           domes_2013 -0.18 -0.86  0.50 0.3469388        0.05611304
#> 5         einfeld_2014  0.22 -0.06  0.51 0.1454082        0.08533524
#> 6  fischer-shofty_2013  0.07 -0.20  0.35 0.1403061        0.08799827
#> 7          gibson_2014 -0.12 -1.13  0.89 0.5153061        0.05276549
#> 8          gordon_2013 -0.15 -0.51  0.20 0.1811224        0.07263326
#> 9       guastella_2010  0.59  0.07  1.12 0.2678571        0.06028006
#> 10      guastella_2015  0.05 -0.54  0.64 0.3010204        0.05812977
#> 11        jarskog_2017 -0.30 -0.83  0.23 0.2704082        0.06008590
#> 12        woolley_2014 -0.01 -0.29  0.26 0.1403061        0.08799827

Create a Firepower plot

Sometimes it’s useful to calculate the statistical power for a body of meta-analyses, which might be reported in the same article or across articles. Illustrating the power of individual studies from multiple meta-analyses can be difficult to interpret if there are many studies. An alternative is to illustrate the power per meta-analysis by calculating the mean power across studies. We can illustrate this with a “Firepower” plot. This plot visualizes the median power assuming the observed effect size in the meta-analysis is the true effect size as well as assuming a range of true effect sizes ranging from 0.1 to 1 (in increments of 0.1).


### Calcuate median power for three meta-analyses
power_ooi <- mapower_se(dat = dat_ooi, observed_es = 0.178, name = "ooi et al 2017")
power_med_ooi <- power_ooi$power_median_dat

keech_power <- mapower_ul(dat = dat_keech, observed_es = 0.08, name = "Keech et al 2017")
power_med_keech <- keech_power$power_median_dat

power_bakermans_kranenburg <- 
  mapower_se(dat = dat_bakermans_kranenburg, observed_es = 0.32, 
             name = "Bakermans-Kranenburg et al 2013")
power_med_bakermans_kranenburg <- power_bakermans_kranenburg$power_median_dat

### Create a list
list_power <- list(power_med_ooi, power_med_keech, power_med_bakermans_kranenburg)

### Run firepower function
fp <- firepower(list_power)

### Create firepower plot
fp_plot <- fp$fp_plot

Citing the metameta package

I have put in considerable time and effort creating this package. I would really appreciate it if you could cite it when using it for your analyses.

Quintana, D.S. (2022). A guide for calculating study-level statistical power for meta-analyses. OSF Preprints. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/js79t.