Welcome to my Golang learning journey repository! This repository contains code, examples, and resources related to my journey of learning and mastering the Go programming language.
If you are new to Go or want to refresh your knowledge, here are some resources to get you started:
Make sure you have Go installed on your machine. You can download it from the official Go website.
|-- 01Hello/
| |-- go.mod
| |-- main.go
|-- 02Variables/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 03UserInput/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 04Conversion/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 05AnyTime/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 06Pointers/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 07Arrays/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 08Slice/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 09Functions/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 10Maps/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 11Structs/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 12If-Else/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 13SwitchCase/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 14Loops/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- 15Methods/
| | |-- go.mod
| | |-- main.go
|-- README.md
|-- .gitignore
|-- go.work
- examples: Contains simple code examples to understand specific concepts.
- exercises: Includes coding exercises to practice and reinforce your Golang skills.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.