
Primary LanguagePython



  1. fuse
  2. python3 : version 3.5.1 or greater
  3. pycrypt


To install, first install fuse for your Operating System. On Ubuntu,

sudo apt-get install fuse

The initialize the fusepy submodule

git submodule init
git submodule update

The installation also depends on PyCrypto. On Ubuntu,

sudo apt-get install python-crypto


Here are the options for ObliviSync:

/ObliviSync.py [OPTIONS] <backend> <mountpoint>
<backend>       : where backend files are stored
<mountpoint>	: where the fuse client mounts

    -h		: print this help screen
    -r 		: Read-Only mount   (dflt: rw mount)
    -k      	: set the drip rate (dflt: 3)
    -t          : set the drip time (dflt: 3)

    -v      	: verbose output
    -d file     : set verbose output to file (dflt: stderr) (use - for stdout)

To run with DropBox, choose a backend directory in your DropBox folder.


To simplify the setup and demonstration, we have provided a Dockerfile that you can use to setup a ready made image for running and testing OblviSync. The Dockerfile will create an image with a user user with headless dropbox installed under /home/user/.dropbbox-dist and ObliviSync installed under /home/user/oblivisync.

Two scripts are provided to help this setup:

  • docker_build.sh : build the image for the container, based on the ubuntu container
  • docker_run.sh : run the image in a container, will give priviledge for mounting and start as user in /home/user

Video Demo

A demo video can be found at the link belower where you can see ObliviSync working with a shared backend folder.

ObliviSync Demo Video