
Post Preview Summary Length

Closed this issue · 8 comments

@andkov, @huttoncp, I am working on the blog post giving instructions for new posts, and it would be helpful to nail down exactly how long the preview text summary will be. I think we should discuss (and implement any change to) the length of text that displays. The default is 200 characters (so that is probably what we have right now). As soon as we nail it down I will add it to the instructional blog post so that future contributors have a reference.

I think that it would be good to increase this to 250 characters, but we could just as easily keep it at 200, or make it even shorter (demanding very short concise summaries has some merit). What are your opinions on this?

how to edit length

We can easily change this parameter in config.toml:

    summary_length = 250

Comment from speaking with @andkov: 250 character limit is perfect for tweeting, as twitter has a 280 character limit (leaving 30 characters for a link back to the blog when we tweet the summary.

I will make the change to 250 character limit and include the change in the future pull request along with the how-to-blog post.

@andkov, @huttoncp I ran into a snag. The new hugo version uses word count instead of character count, the default for hugo-academic is 60 words now (instead of 200 characters). What is a good word limit? This gets in the way of easy twitter alignment regardless of what we decide.

I believe we now change it with the line: let summaryLength = 60;
in the file: "./themes/hugo-academic/assets/js/academic-search.js"

But this assumption will need to be tested.

I think that's a good approach. The URL most likely only takes one word, so we could go as high as 50 or 60 for the word limit.

I like the math. I still think making the summary compatible with twitter limit is a good strategy

Sounds good, in that case I will leave it at the default 60 words, and we can change it later if we find it's too much (or not enough)