
Recommendation system for interventions of unemployed people in Portugal. DSSG 2019 Imperial College London project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

IEFP Recommender System

The IEFP, the institute of employment and vocational training in Portugal, run 80+ job centers around the country. At these job centers, job counsellors help job seekers to find good employment through recommending interventions (e.g. training courses) and assisting with job applications.

The project is to design an intervention recommender system for job counsellors. The system will recommend the most relevant and effective interventions for an individual job seeker based on their profile and what has been most effective for similar people.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation and setup
  3. Partners
  4. [Contributors]
  5. [License]


Data Science for Social Good at Imperial College London

The Data Science for Social Good Fellowship is a summer program to train aspiring data scientists to work on data mining, machine learning, big data, and data science projects with social impact. Working closely with governments and nonprofits, fellows take on real-world problems in education, health, energy, public safety, transportation, economic development, international development, and more.

For three months they learn, hone, and apply their data science, analytical, and coding skills, collaborate in a fast-paced atmosphere, and learn from mentors coming from industry and academia.

Minimum infrastructure requirements

It is recommended to run the project with the infracstruture hosted on AWS. It has been tested with the following system specifications:

- EC2 instance: c4.4xlarge
    - vCPU: 16
    - RAM: 30 GB
    - OS: ubuntu 18.04 LTS
    - Volumes: 1
    - Type: gp2
    - Size: 100 GB
- RDS: PostgreSQL
    - Engine: PostgreSQL
    - Engine version: 10.6
    - Instance: db.t2.xlarge
    - vCPU: 4
    - RAM: 16 GB
    - Storage: 150 GB

Note: The database system is required to be PostgreSQL, but does not have to be hosted on AWS.

Caution: Due to the size of the data it is recommended to have an EC2 instance with RAM size of 30GB or more.

Installation and setup

Clone the Repository

> git clone https://github.com/dssg/IEFP-RecSys

Install required system packages

For example:

> sudo apt update
> sudo apt install make gcc jq libpq-dev postgresql-client postgresql-client python3 python3-dev python3-venv

Credentials Setup

Add your PostgreSQL credentials, AWS credentials and the S3 bucket name to IEFP-RecSys/conf/local/credentials.yml.

For example:

    aws_access_key_id: ****
    aws_secret_access_key: ***
    s3_bucket_name: iefp
    pg_user: my_user
    pg_pass: my_password
    pg_host: name.id.region.rds.amazonaws.com
    pg_name: iefp
    pg_port: 5432
  • NOTE: Make sure the PostgreSQL has a Database with the specified name (e.g. iefp) created and the specified user has read/write access to it.
  • NOTE: Make sure the S3 bucket with the specified name is (e.g. iefp) created and the specified user has read/write access to it.

Data Setup

Get a dump of SIGAE data to IEFP-RecSys/data/. Required files are:


Run the Project

Install virtual environment

Installs virtual environment using python3-venv:

> cd IEFP-RecSys
> make venv

Optional: Manually activate the virtual environment. This is generally not needed for the setup of this project.

> source env/bin/activate

Install required python packages

Installs packages and dependencies into the virtual environment with pip:

> make requirements

Create database tables

Trigger a script that creates tables for the raw data on the specified PostgreSQL database and copy the data from the IEFP-RecSys/data/ directory into it. Depending on the datasize this can take approx. 10 - 20 minutes.

> make database

The scripts creates two tables pedidos and intervencoes. Each table has approx. 150 features. See the deployment script for the table definitions.

Moreover a modelling schema is created for automated model evaluation. The tables modelling.evaluations and modelling.recommendation_errors save model metrics and recommendation errors. The schema is the following: Modelling Schema

Run Luigi pipeline

We are using the Luigi pipeline framework in order to create a repeatable and reliable workflow from the raw data source to the model output (predictions, recommendations and evaluations).

Run the pipeline with:

> make luigi

The total runtime can take up to 20 min. Luigi executes the steps in the following order:

  1. Extract: Extract and filter raw data from PostgresSQL and save as parquet files into S3
  2. Cleaning: Clean values, specify datatypes, drop duplicates
  3. Transformation: Main transformation step into a _Journey Table
  4. Create final modelling table: Value scaling, Dummy encoding, Target Variable definition, etc.
  5. Modelling: Train supervised models (Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting)
  6. Evaluation of supervised model: Save common evaluation metrics, hyperparameters and used features into the PostgresSQL evaluation table
  7. Evaluation of recommendations: Produce recommendation for every observation of the test set and evaluate recommendation error against the ground truth.

Use the command line:

> source env/bin/activate
> iefp-recsys --help
Usage: iefp-recsys [OPTIONS]

IEFP Intervention Recommender.

-r, --recommendations INTEGER  Number of recommendations
-s, --set-size INTEGER         Maximum number of interventions in a recommended set
--help                         Show this message and exit.
> iefp-recsys --recommendations 10 --set-size 3

Run Jupyter Lab

We are using Jupyter Lab for exploratory data analysis and fast prototyping. Run it with:

> make lab


  • IEFP (Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional) | Key Partner
  • Nova School of Business & Economics | Handover Partner


Data Science for Social Good Fellows: Rosa Lavelle-Hill, Nathan Coulson, Tobias Richter Technical Mentor: Liliana Millán Project Manager: Sara Guerreiro


This project has been scoped and conceptualized by the Data Science Knowledge Center at Nova School of Business and Economics, Carcavelos, Portugal.


MIT License - Copyright 2019 Nova School of Business & Economics